Drama and Film Academy, Bucharest, Theatre Faculty, Acting Section, class univ.dr. Gelu Colceag
Professional activities
1997 – 2012 actress at Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre
Since 2014 actress at Odeon Theatre
Theatre parts
Odeon Theatre
Irina Nikolaevna Arkadina in The Seagull, by A.P. Cehov, directed by Andrei and Andreea Grosu
Doctor Heveroch in Svejk after Jaroslav Hašek, directed by Alexandru Dabija
Luka in Arms and the man, directed by Andrei Șerban
Sarah Goodwin in Time stands still, by Donald Margulies, directed by Vladimir Anton
Mama, the peasant, the corporate woman in De vânzare / For Sale a performance by Gianina Cărbunariu
Mother, Lover in Against democracy by Esteve Soler, directed by Alexandru Dabija, translated by Luminiţa Voina-Răuţ
Mommy in R.R. – The Comet, The Child and The Dog after texts by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Dabija
Vanda in Silence! Kiss. Action! an adaptation by Peter Kerek bsed on the Lemon Sky Production of the film, Living in Oblivion, written and directed by Tom Dicillo
L.S. Bulandra Theatre
The doctor in Parfum de Femeie directed by Daniel Popa
Ziţa in A lost letter by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Theodora Câmpineanu
Luna in Levantul by Mircea Cărtărescu, directed by Cătălina Buzoianu
Zelima in Turandot by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Cătălina Buzoianu
Maid of honor in Hamlet by W. Shakespeare, directed by Liviu Ciulei
The necessary woman in Exista Nervi by Marin Sorescu, directed by Puiu Şerban
Act Theatre
Gabriela in 9 degrees in Paris, scripted and directed by Peter Kerek
Rebecca in Countryside by Martin Crimp, directed by Peter Kerek
“Ioan Slavici” Classic Theatre, Arad
Anne in Attempts on her life by Martin Crimp, directed by Peter Kerek
“George Ciprian” Theatre, Buzău
Alex B. and Joe in The Chinese by Michael Frayn, directed by Puiu Şerban
MONDAY Theatre at Green Hours
Scrofiştina in Disco Pigs by Enda Walsh, directed by Peter Kerek
Film and television
Mioara in Quod erat Demonstrandum directed by Andrei Gruzsniczki
Doina in Black Sea, The Netherlands, directed by Yorin
Dr. Sandu in Beyond the hills, directed by Cristian Mungiu
The mother in Wonderland – short film, directed by Peter Kerek
Carmen in Of people and snails, directed by Tudor Giurgiu
Gabriela in Adultery – short film, directed by Peter Kerek
Coca in Adalbert’s dream, directed by Gabriel Achim
Gabriela in Morgen – long features, directed by Marian Crişan
Gabriela in La Nostra Vita – long featured, Italy production, directed by Daniele Luchetti
Doctor in Mr Lăzărescu’s Dream, directed by Cristi Puiu
The translator in Occident, directed by Cristian Mungiu
The secretary in Before and after 22.12.1989, short film, directed by Andrei Cohn
Worker in Thursday, short film, directed by Hadrian Marcu
Marieta in Grigore and Marieta – short film, directed by Cătălin Cocris
Olga in War of the sexes –T.V. series Media Pro Pictures
Vine Poliţia –T.V. series, Media Pro Pictures
Nominated at GOPO awards in 2013 for best secondary role
Best actress in a secondary role for Mioara in Quod erat Demonstrandum, Gopo Awards, 2015