Directed by Andrei Șerban

Directed by Adina Lazăr

Directed by Dragoș Galgoțiu

Directed by Dinu Cernescu

Directed by Crista Bilciu

Directed by: Vlad Massaci

Directed by Gelu Colceag

Directed by Bogdan Theodor Olteanu

Directed by Adina Lazăr
What’s on
For performances with English translation, upon request, please notify us at the box office or by email (odeon.art@teatrul-odeon.ro) at least two days before the performance date.
Please check the availability of the translation before purchasing your tickets.
Joi, 27 martie, ora 19.30, vă invităm să sărbătorim împreună Ziua Mondială a Teatrului @ODEON. Vă oferim prilejul să pătrundeți în culisele ODEONULUI, să vizitați cele două săli, de această dată privind lumea de pe scenă,
We’re rehearsing for a new premiere in ODEON Theatre’s Studio Hall: LUDWIG, after Thomas Bernhard, a show by Dragoș Galgoțiu, costumes Lia Manțoc, with Eduard Trifa […]
We have started the rehearsals for a new choreographic show, inspired from Vaslav Nijinsky’s life, with Răzvan Mazilu in the leading role; choreography, concept and light […]
Until you’re going to see the final result of Fabulamundi Workshop #4, the reading performance Against the flow, scheduled this Wednesday, December, 18,