by Rosa Liksom, a performance by Radu Afrim
Nina: Cezar Antal
Jaana: Antoaneta Zaharia
Reiska: Marius Damian
Mohaci: Pavel Bartoş
Mika: Vlad Bîrzanu
Isadora: Ruxandra Maniu
Tina: Nicoleta Lefter
Buni: Virginia Rogin
Fernando: Mihai Smarandache
Sexygenara: Rodica Mandache
Un poştaş: Dan Iosif
Un client: Nicu Coman
Un spectacol de: Radu Afrim
Decorul: Tudor Prodan
Costumele: Cosmin Florea
Traducerea: Doru Mareș
Festivalul Național de Teatru Zilele Elvira Godeanu, Târgu –Jiu, 10 mai 2017
Festivalul de Teatru, Piatra Neamț, 8 noiembrie 2016
Festivalul Internaţional de Teatru Nou, Arad, 12 mai 2016
Rosa Liksom is a writer and an artist, born in Lapland in 1958. She confesses that the writing and the art in general are a way of existing for her. She is considered l’enfant terrible of the Finish literature and an undisciplined anarchist, therefore Liksom keeps her behaviour also as a dramaturge.
Family Affairs, her debut play since 1993, is an authentic, bubbly, trashy theatre, a junk piece which laughs at all the tabus. By talking about the animal rights, the climate change, the economy based on an insatible market, the freedom movement for the exploited husbands and fathers, Family Affairs is an original, contemporary satire which is rarely seen on our stages.
We are waiting for you at a politically incorrect comedy, signed by the unmistakable Radu Afrim.
Photos by Dani Ioniță
You will ask yourselves what is the play about. But that is irrelevant from my point of view. It’s about a dysfunctional family, incest, love, Freud, childhood troubles, drugs, marriage, sex. On this subjects you can see many articles/film/plays. What is fascinating at Afrim is the manner he builds his images, the visual chaos perfectly synchronized with the typology of the characters, with the movement, the costumes, the stage design, the key lines, the short, precise sentences, the choreography of the mindset. Nothing is elongated, nothing lasts more than it should. Each character is the director of his own world. Flour fight, synchronized dances and, almost forgot, a lot of ABBA.
Andreea Verde, Metropotam, October, 6th, 2015
The comedy, at which the laugher is pouring in cascades in the event’s hall, is based on the debut play of the Finnish writer Rosa Liksom. Doru Mareş signs the remarkable translation as well as the adaptation. In the family where personal dramas are gradually unraveled, the comedy is given by the situations and the lively lines. We can see on the stage the Finnish family that seems to have lived in nowadays Romania.
Monica Andrei – Ziarul Metropolis –October 12th, 2015
We enter and we go out. Giddy. Delirious. Always at the border between absurd, madness and grotesque. In our daily lives, things happen similarly to the ones imagined by the talented author Rosa Liksom, who wrote in 1993 a fundamental text for European dramaturgy. There is nothing more actual, more alive, more present or more intense than Radu Afrim’s production. It was almost predictable that a nonconformist author, and pretty rebellious for the Finnish culture, will meet up with the nonconformist director (in his case ‘nonconformist’ has become a label) Radu Afrim. What could have resulted from this clash? An explosion of vitality, humor, a ‘creature’ made of the purest mixture of all impurities and imperfections of the human beings.
Irina Budeanu, Cotidianul, October, 27th, 2015