Directed by Dragoș Galgoțiu
Theatrical scenario based on The trial, The Metamorphosis, A Report to an Academy, The Verdict and In the Penal Colony by Franz Kafka
Translated by Gellu Naum and Mihai Isbășescu
Josef K.: Ionel Mihăilescu
The inspector, Georg’s father: Radu Amzulescu
Franz: Valentin Popescu
Willem: Laurenţiu Lazăr
The roundsman, Berthold, The brawler, The officer: Mihai Smarandache
Woman from the court: Anca Dumitra
Gregor Samsa: Gabriel Pintilei
Gregor’s mother, landlady of Josef K: Ruxandra Maniu
Gregor’s sister: Sabrina Iașchevici
Gregor’s father, Georg: Silvian Vâlcu
The bailiff: Relu Poalelungi
The prostitute: Anda Saltelechi
The singer: Anca Florescu / Daniela Tocari
The dancer: Simona Dabija / Luiza Dimulescu
Josef K’s co-workers: Dan Benga, Dan Cristian Nicolae, Dumitru Neagu, Gheorghe Neagu, Adrian Vasile, Cristian Vasile
Scenario, direction, stage design, music score: Dragoș Galgoțiu
Costumes: Lia Manţoc
Choreography: Răzvan Mazilu
National Theater Festival, Bucharest, October 28-29
„There is an intense seduction in Kafka’s stories, they arouse in us familiar impressions, apparently forgotten, but which become animated during reading, they are like the world’s biggest dreams, those who are dreamt by all of us, dreams that seems to reveal and at the same time to cover something essential, dramatically. (…) Through Kafka we intuit answers to the unanswered questions, but once touched, once seen, the sense seems to dissipate as those terrible dreams disappear in the morning after we had the impression that something intangible was revealed to us. But the impression of touching remains intense, disturbing. This is how I feel Kafka.”
Dragoş Galgoţiu
Press reviews
Kafka. 5 dreams is part of the classical theatre with a recognizable rhetoric that covers vast surfaces of ideas. The wand of Dragoș Galgoțiu draws the scene with a variety of artistic means such as dance, mute scenes and of course, the acting performances. Ionel Mihăilescu, Radu Amzulescu, Valentin Popescu, Mihai Smarandache, Laurențiu Lazăr, Anca Dumitra (a wonderful surprise) offer the public a sublime recital in a production where the metaphor is mostly the forefront.
Cristina Rusiecki –
The production presented in the Studio Hall has the great merit of creating a world. Not only at a declarative level; with an assumed language, with laws without any diurnal logic, but perfectly organic and functional, and, mot of them all, a poetry in motion. The director’s choices are perfectly valid given that the spectators are less likely to know the strange situations Kafka imagined for Joseph K or Gregor Samsa. Therefore, challenging is not only bringing them on stage, but also creating the best possible world around them. And Dragoş Galgoţiu succeeds. His scenario greatly arranges the narratives, and the filmic cuts allow him to juggle with the situations and the spaces. And since the title itself places the action in the oneiric space, multiplies even more the possibilities of interpretation of the Kafkian texts.
Alina Epingeac –
The Kafkian subjects, alienation, physical and psychological brutality, the oedipal conflict (father-son), the impossibility of humans to understand the world and to understand themselves, Dragoş Galgoţiu transposes them in a essay-show, configured in the imaginary, with multiple suggestions to a confession from Kafka’s diary: ‘I want to crush the world inside my brains’.
Kafka. 5 dreams is a complex show, with avalanche accumulations, with changes of rhythm, with moments that reach nightmarish dimensions, with that ‘white noise’, visible ever since the beginning in its structure, intervening like a stasis every time the bearable is overcame.
Dana Pocea – Luceafăr
I have discovered a great and subtle emotion seeking sense of this poet. I wouldn’t say analytical, because the director Dragoş Galgoţiu wishes to issue only very subjective introspections, to continue the dreams under a personal touch, the one of a voluptuous reader that has fallen in love with Kafka’s dreams. He does not wish to decipher or to explain. He wants to dive in into the abyss, into the darkness, to see cinematographically the white and the black, stirring ghosts; he wants to be the guide into this parable moved in its own initiating field. For me, the production Kafka. 5 dreams, produced at the Odeon Theatre is an act of culture and a major indication of performance. A complete event, powerful, dense, unsettling.
Marina Constantinescu