By Radu F. Alexandru, Directed by Gelu Colceag
Andrei: Gelu Niţu
Imy: Mircea Constantinescu
George: Mircea N. Creţu
Bujor: Dan Bădărău
Anca: Crina Mureşan
Irina: Ioana Anastasia Anton
Directed by: Gelu Colceag
Stage design: Constantin Ciubotariu
Photos by Octavian Tibăr
`I have well-known a couple of the characters that are telling the stories of their life on the stage. How much is reality and how much is fiction does not matter today for anyone. All I ever wish for is that at least a bit of the emotion with which I wrote Story about my father could get to you, the spectators.`
Radu F. Alexandru`In a world in which is fashionable to pursuit for the minority’s issues (ethnics, sexual, social), this dramaturg is a bit atipical and that he choses as a target the intelectual minority; in this way, Radu F. Alexandru places oneself in Albee’s, Pinter’s, La Butte’s, Yasmina Reza’s, Bogosian’s and other’s contemporary dramaturges families, who are beware of the intelectuals’ contemporary neurosis, they always write with humor and not seldom with cynically.
In a superficial world, Radu F. Alexandru is a profound writer, who takes himself and us very seriously`.Gelu Colceag