by Tennessee Williams, directed by Dinu Cernescu
Blanche DuBois: Rodica Mandache
Stella Kowalski: Crina Mureşan
Stanley Kowalski: Mihai Smarandache
Harold Mitchell: Marian Ghenea
Eunice Hubbell: Ruxandra Maniu
Steve Hubbell: Silvian Vâlcu
Pablo Gonzales: Dimitrii Bogomaz
The Doctor: Marian Lepădatu
The Nurse: Anda Saltelechi
Directed by: Dinu Cernescu
Stage design: Constantin Ciubotariu
Music: George Marcu
Translated by: Antoaneta Ralian
Turneu la Călărași, 17 aprilie 2018
Rodica Mandache – The Confidential Award for A Streetcar Named Desire stage directed by Dinu Cernescu, 2013
The play A streetcar named Desire was written in 1947 and was awarded in 1948 with the Pulitzer Prize for theatre. Ever since it was performed almost continuously on the American stages and received the constant interest of creators of theatre all over the world.
The world premiere took place on Broadway in December 1947, directed by Elia Kazan, with Marlon Brando, Jessica Tandy, Kim Hunter şi Karl Malden.
The London premiere was in 1949, directed by Laurence Olivier, with Vivien Leigh. Other famous actors that performed the well known characters of Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski includes Anthony Quinn, Alec Baldwin and Jessica Lange, John C. Reilly and Natasha Richardson, Cate Blanchett, Rachel Weisz, Isabelle Huppert.
In Romania, the most famous production is the one of Liviu Ciulei in 1965 with Clody Bertola and Victor Rebengiuc. In 2013 at the Odeon Theatre the characters are played by Rodica Mandache and Mihai Smarandache.
Photos by Octavian Tibăr
Press reviews
Tennessee Williams’s text is extremely close to me because it speaks in multiple voices. The most powerful of them is Blanche and I strongly believe that each and every one of us is Blanche. I, you, and whoever it may be, everyone that desires to be happy, to love and to be loved, with no limits. Clumsy or victorious, we are constantly looking for that shoulder to rest our head on and to peacefully sleep. We are longing for those arms that can merge two people into one. But until then… love our Streetcar, it hides many of our truths.
Dinu Cernescu
Dinu Cernescu put together a solid production, well conducted and coordinated, a complete show, exactly how a masterpiece play should be represented. The story is catchy, keeps the spectator connected until the very last line, has no excesses and no minuses. The cast consists of actors that prove not only their amazing talent, but also their acting ability that comes with their experience on the stage.
Răzvana Niţă –