Mail contact Rodica Mandache
Drama and Film Institute “I.L. Caragiale”, Bucharest , Theatre Faculty, Acting Section
Professional activities
Actress at Odeon Theatre
1969, 1989 collaboration at The Small Theatre, Bucharest
1969 actress at “Maria Filotti” Theatre, Brăila
1967-1968 actress at “Barbu Delavrancea” Theatre
1964-1966 actress at National Theatre Iași
1962-1964, 1970-1971 actress at National Theatre “I.L. Caragiale”, Bucharest
Theatre parts
Odeon Theatre
Miss Macri the young in
Three Generation By Lucia Demetrius, Directed by Dinu Cernescu
Procopiu in
Titanic Waltz by Tudor Muşatescu, Directed by Alexandru Dabija
The Fox in
The Little Prince based on Antoine de Saint-Exupery, directed by Carmen Lidia Vidu
The Woman, The Hypertensive in
Such Hope by Hanoch Levin, directed by Radu Afrim
Starvelling – Luna, Snug – Leul, Flute – Thisbe, in
Pyramus & Thisbe 4 You based on William Shakespeare, directed by Alexandru Dabija
Adel in
Thursdayparty by Katalin Thuroczy, directed by Radu Afrim
Governess in
Leonce and Lena by Georg Buchner, directed by Alexandru Dabija
Itinerant actor in
Arden of Feversham painful and the true tragedy of Mr Arden of Feversham, sixteenth-century anonymous English author, directed by Dragoș Galgoțiu
Helena in A winter night’s dream performance from Dance gala at Odeon, directed by Dragoș Galgoțiu
Zinaida in Ivan the Terrible by Bulgakov, directed by Beatrice Bleonţ
She in Talk to me like rain and let me to listen by Tennessee Williams, directed by Răzvan Mazilu
She in Human voice by Jean Cocteau
Aristița Romanescu in Still Eminescu by Ion Nicolescu, directed by Tudor Mărăscu
Mița, Didina, Zița, Veta, Eftimia, Zoe in Caragiale Ladies one woman show, directed by Tudor Mărăscu
Valentina in Waiting for somebody else by Paul Ioachim, directed by Tudor Mărăscu
Kote in Woyzeck by Georg Buchner, directed by Alexa Visarion
Ziţa in A stormy night by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexa Visarion
Niculina Gologan in Public opinion by Aurel Baranga, directed by Geta Vlad
Alia in Late serenade by Alexei Arbuzov, directed by Geta Vlad
Silvelle in The romancers by Edmond Rostand, directed by Geta Vlad
Barkeeper in “Gemini” hotel by Valentin Munteanu, directed by Tudor Mărăscu
Schoolgirl in A nameless star by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Geta Vlad
Neda in Liola by Luigi Pirandello, directed by V. Al. Toscani
Polia in Vassa Jeleznova by Maxim Gorki, directed by Geta Vlad
Trina in Comedy with men of oltenia by Gheorghe Vlad, directed by Geta Vlad
Anais in Florentine hat by E. Labiche, directed by Lucian Giurchescu
The Small Theatre from Bucharest
Charlotte in Don Juan by Moliere
Gianina in How to fleece a bank by Ambrozi, directed by Mihai Berechet
Page to Armando in Love’ labour’s lost by W. Shakespeare, directed by Sorana Coroama-Stanca
Maria Filotti Theatre, Brăila
Mongelica in This is strange by M.R. Paraschivescu, directed by Verh(n)is
Barbu Delavrancea Theatre
La mime crevette in Maxim’s lady by Feydeau, directed by Crin Teodorescu
Kathleen in Kathleen by Soyers, directed by Dinischiotu
National Theatre, Iaşi
Frosa in The Idol and Ion Anapoda by G.M. Zamfirescu
Jill in Without gloves by J.Galsworty, directed by Cornel Todea
Doina Boboc in Saint Gentle Mitică by Aurel Baranga, directed by C. Dinulescu
The frenchgirl in Becket by Jean Anouilh, directed by Sorana Coroama-Stanca
Nellie in Summer and fume by Tennesse Williams, directed by Crin Teodorescu
The secretary in Birocratosaurus by Ambrozi, directed by Rafael
“I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre, Bucharest
The iaf and the bird by I. Omescu, directed by Al. Finti
Fanny in Fanny by Shaw, directed by Mihai Berechet
The girl in Adam and Eva by Aurel Baranga, directed by Alexandrescu
Manuela in The dauthers by S. Dragușescu, directed by Al. Finti
Nottara Theatre, Bucharest
Eating unwashed grapes in the middle of ocean by Tenessee Williams, (one woman show), directed by Tudor Mărăscu
“Bacovia” Theatre, Bacău
Elena Sergheevna in Blackmail directed by Diana Maria Mihailopol
Health assistant in The Master and Margareta by Mihail Bulgakov, directed by Beatrice Rancea (Ungaria)
Mazariche in A midsummer night’s dream by William Shakespeare, directed by Beatrice Rancea (Ungaria)
She in Delirium in two, three, how many want in by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Diana Maria Mihailopol (Eugene Ionesco Theatre, Slatina)
The candles burn all the way reading performance, one woman show, by Sandor Mara, directed by Diana Maria Mihailopol
A smile in the midle of summer directed by Geo Saizescu (1963)
Tonight we dance in family directed by Geo Saizescu (1972)
Gloria does not sing directed by Alexandru Bocaneț (1977)
The story of love directed by Ion Popescu Gopo (1977)
Freely and unhindered directed by Maria Callas Dinescu (1974)
Green grass of home directed by Stere Gulea (1977)
The sign of snake directed by Mircea Veroiu (1982)
Bucharest ID directed by Virgil Calotescu (1983)
For your sake, Anca directed by Cristiana Nicolae (1983)
Marriage with repetition directed by Virgil Calotescu (1985)
Concert in the garden with dwarfs directed by Cristiana Nicolae (1986)
Some cool guys Directed by Cornel Diaconu (1988)
Why does the fox tail? directed by Cornel Diaconu (1989)
Lilac blooms a second time directed by Cristina Nichitus (1990)
The Phone directed by Elisabeta Bostan (1991)
Blood and Chocolate directed by Katja von Gfarnier (2005)
Representative role in the National Television Theatre
Maria Panait in A midsummer night’s dream by Tudor Muşatescu, directed by Dan Necşulea
Honorary Award for Popularity for the role in the show Three generations, International Contemporary Drama Festival, Braşov, 2017
Award for lifetime achievement at the Bucharest Awards for Art and Culture, Performing Arts Section, 2009
UNITER Prize for best actress in a supporting role for Adel in Thursdayparty, 2007