Odeon Theatre presents
on Tuesday, 24 November, 19h00, at Majestic Hall
the reading performance
Se non fossi stata Ifigenia sarei Alcesti o Medea
by Francesca GAROLLA
translated by Florin GALIŞ şi Iunia MIRCESCU
directed by Elena MORAR
The reading takes place in the presence of the author and will be followed by after talk with the audience.
On the same day, at 12h00, Francesca Garolla will held a workshop with students at the Play-writing section at The National University of Theatre and Film
Three women who could be one, a daughter, a wife, a mother. Iphigenia, Alcestis, Medea, in a rewrite in which they meet for the first time and dialogue with eachother. Three ways of living this world, three experiences, one point in common: sacrifice. If it is true that humans are ‘social animals’ and that women in particular seem to find a better definition of themselves in relation with the other, as daughters of, lovers of or mothers of, it is also true that there is a constant search for an autonomous self-affirmation. Iphigenia tries to become heroine through her death by her father’s hand, Alcestis finds the possibility to become a saint by giving herself up, and Medea, through the homicide of her sons, can become a goddess, who decides upon life and death.
Francesca Garolla
Varese, 1981.
After attending a degree in Philosophy at the University of Milan she graduated in directing at the Accademia d’arte drammatica Paolo Grassi. In 2002 she has been stage director and dramaturg for “Sete”, based on “Yema” by F. Garcia Lorca, presented at Giffoni Teatro Festival and finalist at Premio Chiara Giovani. In 2004 she started collaborating with Teatro i in Milan and became the company’s dramaturg and part of the artistic committee. She has been dramaturg, assistant director and actress in “Vor dem Ruhestand” by Thomas Bernhard, “Dare al Buio” by Letizia Russo, “Incendies” by Wajdi Mouawad, “Hilda” by Marie Ndyaie and “Combat de nègre et de chiens” by Bernard-Marie Koltès. She has been director and dramaturg in “Elettra. Quel che rimane” based on “Électre” by M. Yourcenar (2006) and in “Non dirlo a nessuno”, based on “Der Gute Gott von Manhattan” by Ingeborg Bachmann (2008). In 2010 she wrote “N.N.”, selected, translated and presented at Le Théâtre Scène Nationale de Saint-Nazaire, the Festival Ring / La Manufacture – CDN Nancy-Lorraine and the Théâtre National Populaire de Villeurbanne La Colline for the Face á Face – Parole d’Italia per scene di Francia project. In 2013 she wrote “Solo di me – se non fossi stata Ifigenia sarei Alcesti o Medea” which is being translated for publication in Czech Republic.
The stage preview of “Non correre Amleto”, a work in progress, has been awarded the NEXT production prize (2014). In addition to her active participation in Teatro i’s cultural project, she developed a strong interest in dramaturgic research and is delving into the development of an autonomous experimental path in all the expressions of theatrical writing and mise-en scene.
Elena Morar
Was born in 1986 and graduated as the valedictorian of the Directing section at National Theatre and Film University.
In 2010 obtained a MBA diploma in theatre directing.
Between 2011-2013 she attended Interdisciplinary Theatre – Film Doctoral Studies.
She directed the following performances: Four Scenes of Love by Lukas Bärfuss (2014-15, 9G project at TNB Bucharest), Orphans by Dennis Kelly (2013, coproduction ProDrama and Teatrul ACT Bucharest, nowadays at Godot Cafe-Teatru), 7 days in the life of Simon Labrosse (Just in Case You’re Interested) by Carole Frechette (2013, Asociația ARENA and Teatrul LUNI de la Green Hours), Our Town by Thornton Wilder (2011, National Theatre Tîrgu-Mureș); The Flighty based on A.P. Cehov (2010, Teatrul Metropolis in collaboration with UNATC, taken over by Comedy Theatre, Bucharest), Assoiffés by Wajdi Mouawad (UNATC, 2008), Crave based onSarah Kane, independent production with the support of UNATC.
In 2008, the performance Assoiffés was presented in the selection of National Theatre Festival and received the Award for best directing at Alumni Gala.
In 2013, the performances Orphans și 7 days in the life of Simon Labrosse were selected and presented at the National Independent Theatre Festival.
Within the project ”The Comedy takes care of YOUth” (2010), the performance The Flighty received the Awards for Best Performance, Best Directing, Best Set Design, Best Supporting Actor.
Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe is a cooperation project among theatres, festivals and cultural organisations in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Romania. The newtwork aims to support and promote the contemporary playwriting across Europe, in order to reinforce and enhance the activities and strategies of the professionals and artists working in the sector and to provide the theatre authors with opportunities of networking, multicultural encounters and professional development.
The edition 2015-2016 is organized around the theme Crossing generations and is supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
From the ten Romanian playwrights part of the project, were selected by now, in order to be presented in the other partner countries: Andreea Vălean, Bogdan Georgescu and Mihaela Michailov.
Andreea Vălean was present in September 2015 in Rome, within Short Festival, at the reading performance based on her play When I want to whistle, I whistle. Based on the same play, Blueteatro Company in collaboration with Teatro di Roma will have a workshop and a public presentation on 21 December, in the presence of Andreea Vălean, who will be involved also in activities with the students.
Bogdan Georgescu is invited in December in Barcelona, for an artistic residence at Sala Beckett, where he will assist at the rehearsals and work-in-progress of his play Antisocial, is going to talk to secondary school students about playwriting and take part in a post-show talk.
Next year, Theater an Der Parkaue in Berlin will produce a full show based on the play Bad kids by Mihaela Michailov.
Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe – Crossing Generations is coordinated by PAV (project leader – Italy) in partnership with La Mousson d’étè (France), Théâtre Ouvert (France), Interkulturelles Theaterzentrum Berlin (Germany), Theater an Der Parkaue (Germany), Short Theatre (Italy), Teatro i (Italy), Teatrul Naţional Târgu-Mureş (Romania), Teatrul Odeon (România), Sala Beckett/ Obrador Internacional de Dramaturgia (Spain).