A musical after The Island by Gellu Naum
Robinson Mihai Smarandache
Friday Marius Damian
The Mermaid Paula Niculiță
Mary Antoaneta Zaharia
Pierre the Pirate Ionuț Kivu
The Instrumentalist Cannibal Cezar Antal
The Guide / Cannibal Dimitrii Bogomaz
Mabolo, King of the cannibals Marius Stănescu
The Parrots Anda Saltelechi, Ruxandra Maniu
The aggressive Grannies Anda Saltelechi / Oana Ștefănescu, Diana Gheorghian, Meda Victor, Constantin Cojocaru
Randolph Ioan Batinaș
Cannibal / Bedouin Relu Poalelungi
Drums Alex Neagu
Directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Songs Ada Milea
Stage design Adrian Damian
Costumes Andrada Chiriac
Choreography Andrea Gavriliu
Light design Cristian Șimon
Sound design Vladimir Ivanov
Visuals Anya Dimitrov
FESTin on the Boulevard, Bucharest. October 8th, 2017
National Theatre Festival, Bucharest, October 24th 2017
ADRIAN DAMIAN (decoration), ANDRADA CHIRIAC (costumes) – Award for the best scenography, FestCO Romanian Comedy Festival, 2018
Audience Award for the best show in the “Comedy Boulevard” Section, International Theater Festival “FEST(in) pe Bulevard”, 2017
The island where this Robinson Crusoe of Gellu Naum and Ada Milea castaway is full of traps – paradoxical traps, ludic ones, of a game that nourishes from its own substance. The Diary is a circular text, ironical and auto-ironical, similar to the lyrics Ada Milea composes, lyrics that can be hummed long after, without losing their charm. This charm consists in the capacity of projecting us, the ones that are outside the stage, right in the center of it and allowing us, gracefully, of identifying with any of the characters. With one or the other, or with each and one of them, one at a time. And this is because, this musical full of zest and candor, talks about love, fidelity, innocence, betrayal, loneliness and, most important, about the healing power of fantasy. Which one of us is unfamiliar with these “themes”?
Mihai Mănuțiu
The Island of Gellu Naum is a text full of comical sadness. Each time I “visit” it, toghether with other “guests”, everything is radically transformed depending on ewach of the people involved. I am extremely glad I’ve worked with the team from Odeon and I cannot wait for you to get yourself naum-ized, măniuţiu-zided, gavriliu-zied, damian-izied and adamilea-zied.
Ada Milea
Photo by Adrian Bulboacă
Press release
I have not seen in a long time a production so alive, one for which I cannot find flaws and, moreover, which can keep me smiling and make me keep the rhythm with my feet. Starting with the music and continuing with the stage design, costumes, hair, make-up, choreography, lights, actors and the director, Robinson Crusoe’s Diary will make you hungry for theatre and life. For 75 minutes they dance and they sing (brace yourselves for another 15 minutes of applause), in various rhythms. Also, Alex Neagu’s drumming takes you straight to a indie-pop concert.
Cătălina Miciu, scena9.ro, June 28th, 2017
And what is the most valuable element in this staging – which has the dynamic and the combustion of a live rock concert, but also the rigor, coherence and the consistency of a fascinating dramatic poem – is the discreet emotional wince that crosses it, a smooth lyricism, a tender and calm meditation on the theme (how could it not be?) of human condition.
A demanding, intense and rich exam that Odeon Theatre passes, because Robinson Crusoe’s Diary is the kind of production that justifies and certifies a big group of actors, prepared to play anytime, anything at the highest standards. Each actor of the cast is a box of miracles.
Răzvana Niţă – Revista teatrală Radio – July, 4th 2017
Robinson Crusoe’s Diary is a production that offers you all the chances to make you feel happy. This is going to happen only if you leave all the pretentious and absurd ideas at home and you have a trained sense of humor, trained for absurd. In a rhythm that you’ll fell the keep as well with your feet, full of color and movement, it has all the right premises to make you fel good at the theatre. And this is maybe the most succesful element for an artistic act. Therefore… Let them entertain you!
Alina Epingeac – yorick.ro – July, 4th 2017