by Tudor Muşatescu, Directed by Alexandru Dabija
Spirache: Ionel Mihăilescu
Dacia: Antoaneta Zaharia
Chiriachița: Dorina Lazăr
Sarmisegetuza: Nicoleta Lefter
Gena: Sabrina Iașchevici
Traian: Marius Damian
Decebal: Ruxandra Maniu
Petre Dinu: Ioan Batinaş
Stamatescu: Alexandru Papadopol
Rădulescu Nercea: Pavel Bartoş
Procopiu: Rodica Mandache
Nurse, a maid: Anda Saltelechi
A photographer: Dan Iosif
Directed by: Alexandru Dabija
Stage design: Helmuth Stürmer
Costumes: Corina Grămoșteanu
Assistant stage design: Irina Moscu
Musical illustration: Vasile Manta
The „Theatre on the Salty Road” Theatre and Performing Arts Festival at Turda, October 15, 2015
Tour at Timișoara, October 13, 2015
The International Theatre Stories from Alba Iulia, October 11, 2015
The National Comedy Festival at Galaţi, October 6, 2015
The Classical International Theatre Festival, Arad, November 25, 2014
Fest(in) on Boulevard, Bucharest, October 15, 2014
The Short Theatre Festival, Oradea, September 27 and 28, 2014
The Bienniel of Eugene Ionesco’s Theatre, Chişinău, 15 June 2014
The Romanian Comedy Festival, FestCo, Bucharest, 27 May 2014
Nicoleta Lefter – Silvia Dumitrescu-Timică Award, dedicated to young talents, for performing Sarmisegetuza, Fest (in) on Boulevard, 2014
Antoaneta Zaharia – Best Actress Award at the Romanian Comedy Festival – festCO, 2014
The comedy Titanic Waltz has not lost its freshness even if it saw the limelight 81 years ago. The secret of its longevity is disclosed to us by the playwright himself: “the action is happening nowadays in any city where there are mother-in-laws, wives and prefectures.”
A shipwreck, an unexpected inheritance, a surprise candidate for a seat in parliament, a mysterious testament, “pyramidal” political speeches and emotional troubles, bolts out of the blue and twists in a satire-show revealing new perspectives on Mușatescu’s humor.
Photos by Mihaela Marin
Press reviews
I really enjoy Dabija’s laughter; he prefers to lucidly amuse himself, without being mean, of the human nature, rather than judging it. Although his piercing look discovers the humanity with the splendor of its small and great hypocrisies, Dabija accepts the world as it is: mean, comical, imperfect, and sometimes, terrible boring. The last, but not least of the “sins” is a capital one…
Oana Stoica – Dilema Veche, January, 24th, 2014
The characters are irreproachable interpreted by the actors; from the dramatic feeling of the comical situations, to the caricature with an efficient comical result, they are well adapted to the diverse styles requested by the director’s vision. “Titanic waltz” attracts a public eager for comedy also by using the satire that targets the local and authentic reality that does not lack opportunists, the performance being sustained by great actors perfect for their parts.
Ileana Lucaciu – spectatorblog, January, 12th, 2014
The production at Odeon Theatre is one of the funniest and intelligent comedies that one can see this season in Bucharest: extremely simple, with no moralist glitches pointing towards the present (although the temptation is a great one), a case study with impact lines well highlighted (‘The Titanic… such a splendid catastrophe!’ or, monumentally given by Dorina Lazăr, Chiriachiţa towards the great grandson: ‘I did not persecute him. I couldn’t stand him ever since the beginning’) and amazing actors.
Iulia Popovici – Observatorul Cultural, January 17th, 2014
A stage lecture signed by Alexandru Dabija, of a winning freshness, testing the perennial character of the classical text, capable of awakening the contemporary spectator’s interest exactly with his modernity.
Mariana Ciolan –, January, 21st, 2014