A very good dramatic theatre, the Odeon Theatre is the only theatre in Bucharest that promotes other types of performances, especially dance performances. By comprising dance performances in the current repertory of the theatre, the Odeon theatre proves that the stage of the 21st century is a shelter for arts’ meeting. The Odeon theatre has a long tradition of hosting dance or theatre-dance performances, as well as of festivals for this kind of performance.
In October 2001, Odeon initiated the programme “Dance at the Odeon”. Its purpose is to popularize professional dance, from Romania and from abroad.
The programme is coordinated by the dancer and choreographer Razvan Mazilu, Odeon’s artistic adviser.
During 2001-2002 season, Dance at the Odeon meant Extraordinary dance galas They took place once a month. The stage of the Odeon hosted choreographers and dancers from different generations, having different styles, dancers from the ballet theatres or independent ones, actors, musicians, circus performers.
These unique events were a possibility for the spectator to discover creators who are not in the foreground of Romanian cultural world. These performances were meant to be an opportunity to see different choreographical genres and styles on the same stage. The dialogue between dance, theatre, music and fine arts shows that we, too, have entered the postmodern epoch.
Because of the big number of spectators, and the very favorable reviews, Odeon Theatre considers the programme accomplished its main purpose, that of promoting Romanian choreography. It is necessary that this programme be continued during the next seasons.
They took place once a month. The stage of the Odeon hosted choreographers and dancers from different generations, having different styles, dancers from the ballet theatres or independent ones, actors, musicians, circus performers.
During the season 2002-2003, there were three new performances: Dance at Odeon.1, Dans at Odeon.2 and Dans at Odeon.3. These unique events were a possibility for the spectator to discover creators who are not in the foreground of Romanian cultural world. These performances were meant to be an opportunity to see different choreographical genres and styles on the same stage. The dialogue between dance, theatre, music and fine arts shows that we, too, have entered the postmodern epoch.
Because of the big number of spectators, and the very favorable reviews, Odeon Theatre considers the programme accomplished its main purpose, that of promoting Romanian choreography. It is necessary that this programme be continued during the next seasons.
They will be included in the current repertory of the theatre.
During the season 2003-2004, the project will continue with “The Portrait of Dorian Gray”, directed by Dragos Galgotiu and performed by Razvan Mazilu.
During the season 2005-2006, Odeon Theatre produced a performance of argentinian tangos, choreography by Razvan Mazilu and directed by Alexandru Dabija – Un Tango Mas. The same creative team realized during the season 2006-2007 the performance Block Bach. Shadows of light, a one man show Razvan Mazilu is the dance performance of the 2007-2008 season, choreography and stage design by Philippe Tréhet (France).
In 2010 Răzvan Mazilu invited the choreographer Massimo Gerardi for a new production in the frame of this programme – Depeche//Dance.
In the season 2012-2013 the programme is dedicated to Young Choreographers and consists in four choreographies presented din two coupé shows, realised by Vlad Merariu (No. 1 High Park Address), Daniela Hasiade (Nostalgia), Galea Bobeicu (Hail Love) şi Baczo Tunde (But with the pianist who dances?).